TMV Building Regulations Press Release, May 2009

Mary Creagh MP welcomed the Labour Government’s announcement that it is to change building regulations to ensure all baths in new bathrooms are equipped with a Thermostatic Mixing Valve (TMV).  Ms Creagh has led a 3 year long ‘Hot Water Burns Like Fire’ campaign to reduce scalding injuries in the home.  Plastic surgeons and accident prevention charities have all welcomed the change in the law as a significant step forward for home safety.

The statistics for the campaign came from iBID and included a great deal of information about the health care costs involved which were based on the Patient Level Costing model developed in iBID.

Thermostatic mixing valves (TMVs) will now be fitted in all new build houses and refurbished bathrooms from October 2009. The valves set bath tap water temperature to a maximum of 48°C. This will allow a hot bath whilst minimising the risk of scalding. Such legislation came into force in Scotland in May 2006. Similar legislation has been passed in Canada, New Zealand and Australia.

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