In 2010 the National Network for Burn Care (NNBC) requested that a group be created to manage aspects of its work which required information technology expertise. It has been agreed to form a core group to deal with items common to a number of the NNBC work streams. The initial Burn Care Informatics Group (BCIG) first met in November 2010 with a core membership of:
The majority of these were on the NNBC committee and had worked on the iBID v2 software design. Additional individuals were identified with specific skill sets required to support one or more of the work streams as required. To minimise work disruption, the group met only occasionally and did the majority of the work electronically.
The initial core work streams included:
With the dissolution of the NNBC in 2012 the work of the Informatics Group continued. The subsequent creation of the Burn Care Clinical Reference Group (bcCRG) the role of the Group was accepted as a continuing requirement, reporting directly to NHS England via the CRG. With this changed relationship formal terms of reference were agreed and as was the creation of a Burn Care Informatics Group (BCIG) to oversee the work programme.