iBID & Prevention

Prevention – NBAD

The launch of annual National Burns Awareness Days were developed initially by the British Burn Association Prevention Committee. They has subsequently been supported by the Children's Burns Trust (CBT) charity. The first annual event was held in October 2013 and has been held annually since. Analysis of iBID data has shown real reductions in burn injury numbers in recent years.

Prevention – Fire and Health

This 2016 initiative between NHS England and the Chief Fire Officers  Association (CFOA) opened significant opportunities in burn injury prevention and is being supported and fuelled by information from the iBID which is also contributing to the development of a National Burns Prevention Strategy.

Identification of vulnerable burn injury population subsets

Fundamental to the success of the Burns Prevention Strategy is the identification of the parts of the population vulnerable to burn injury to allow intervention by fire service personnel undertaking Person Centred Risk Assessments (PCRA) visits.

Link with other datasets to enhance injury prevention targeting (*)

It is hoped that permission will be eventually provided to allow the linkage of health and non-health datasets so as to improve the accuracy of the vulnerable population identification.

Monitor the effectiveness of prevention campaigns

The iBID along with two other trauma based national registries are intended to become the monitoring mechanisms to measure any of the observable reduction in trauma based admissions to the NHS as part of
the Fire / Health initiative.

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