iBID Information Service

From a survey of all burn services and contributors to the iBID in 2015 it was clear that there was a desire to have access to the national dataset to allow flexible queries to be applied to national data.  It was felt the current series of reports provided were too restrictive.

We have been working on a means of providing access to anonymised data, safely and securely, since that time. In addition we have focused the emailed reports into a series to provide information on data quality and completeness and supporting information for audit.One of the limitations in developing the online iBID Information Service was the need for all data to be held within a single software system which was not fully achieved until mid-2016.

The iBID Information Service has now been released, it can be accessed only from computers connected to the NHS net. Details of how to access the Service were circulated in March 2017 to over 250 NHS users who were asked to inspect the system and provide comments concerning its refinement and development to the iBID office for collation and action.

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